From 10.00 on 30 January up to 17.00 on 9 February 2018, you can apply to obtain the digitization voucher.
What's this?
It is a facilitative measure that the Ministry of Economic Development has applied for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides for a contribution, through the granting of a "voucher", for an amount not exceeding 10 thousand euros, aimed at the adoption of measures to digitize business processes and modernize technology.
What is the voucher for?
It can be used for the purchase of software, hardware and / or specialized services that allow:
- improve company efficiency;
- modernizing the organization of work, through the use of technological tools and forms of work flexibility, including teleworking and developing e-commerce solutions;
- benefit from broadband and ultra-broadband connectivity or connection to the Internet using satellite technology;
- carry out qualified training interventions for staff in the ICT field.
What is the facility?
Each company can benefit from a single voucher of no more than 10 thousand euros, up to a maximum of 50% of the eligible expenses.
How do you get it?
Purchases must be made after booking the voucher. The application must be submitted electronically on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development, starting at 10.00 on 30 January 2018 and until 17.00 on 9 February 2018
Contact us to learn more.